谈谈Java的变异(不变 协变 逆变)


注意: 这篇文章几年前写的,回头看内容存在很多问题,对这些概念解释的也很不清晰,不建议观看,后续可能会更新文章内容,或者重新发一篇新的。这篇留着作为曾经的记忆


要想了解变异先要理解Subtyping的概念。Subtyping是面向对象里”类型多态(Type Polymorphism)”的其中一种表现形式,它主要描述”is a”这样的关系。比如ST的子类型,那么他们的关系可以表达为 S is a subtype of T。维基百科有一段对Subtyping的描述。

In programming language theory, subtyping (also subtype polymorphism or inclusion polymorphism) is a form of type polymorphism in which a subtype is a datatype that is related to another datatype (the supertype) by some notion of substitutability.

If S is a subtype of T, the subtyping relation is often written S <: T, to mean that any term of type S can be safely used in a context where a term of type T is expected

Subtyping和变异有什么联系呢?变异其实就是指Subtyping在更复杂的场景下,比如If S is a subtype of T, Generic<S> is subtype of Generic<T>这种关系是否还能成立。

变异 (Variance)

“变异”,在面向对象编程中是非常重要的一个概念。在Java8新增的Stream API和Functional中大量使用了<? extends T> 和 <? super T>这类语法,不从根本上去理解Java的变异,看到这些源码时就会有点吃力和费解。


Variance refers to how subtyping between more complex types relates to subtyping between their components

通过上面对Subtyping的介绍,我们也可以得知变异和Subtyping关系是非常密切的。那么上面提到的更复杂的场景是指什么呢?举个例子,现在有Fruit、Apple、Orange三个类; 已知 Apple和Orange是Fruit的子类型。

class Fruit {

class Apple extends Fruit {

class Orange extends Fruit {


Fruit apple = new Apple();

Fruit orange = new Orange();


class Basket<T> {
  T t;
  public void set(T t) {
    this.t = t;
  public T get() {
    return this.t;
Basket<Fruit> basket = new Basket<Apple>();

Basket basket = new Basket() 这个语句是否合法,取决于编程语言的设计。在Java中,明确并不支持这种定义(2019年暂未实现,未来不一定)。


  • 不变(Invariance)
  • 协变(Covariance)
  • 逆变(Contravariance)
  • 双变(Bi-variance)


不变 (Invariance)

不变描述的是这样一种关系: 如果B是A的子类型(SubType),那么GenericType<B> 不是 GenericType<A>的子类型。从上面的介绍可以看到在Java中,泛型是不变的。

Basket<Fruit> basket = new Basket<Apple>(); //编译报错



保证类型安全,因为水果篮子并不一定是装着苹果,也可以装橘子。如basket.set(new Orange()),我们期望的是一个苹果,如果set一个橘子,这样无法保证类型安全。 不变的泛型从根本上杜绝了类型安全问题。


虽然保证了类型安全,不过灵活性大大下降,因为我们无法描述Basket basket = new Basket()这种关系。

协变 (Covariance)

如果B是A的子类型,那么GenericType<B> 是 GenericType<A>的子类型。或者更通俗一点,以上面苹果橘子为例,协变描述的是: 装苹果的篮子是水果篮子这样一种关系。

很遗憾,Java不支持Declaration-site variance,不过Java支持Use-site variance。



Fruit[] fruits = new Apple[2]; //合法
fruits[0] = new Apple(); //合法
fruits[1] = new Orange(); //编译时合法,运行时 throw ArrayStoreException


public static void covariance() {
  Basket<? extends Fruit> basket = new Basket<Apple>(); //合法
  List<? extends Fruit> list = new Arraylist<Orange>(); //合法
  //basket.set(new Orange()); //报错
  //basket.set(new Apple()); //报错
  //basket.set(new Fruit()); //报错
  Basket<Apple> applesOfBasket = new Basket<>();
  applesOfBasket.set(new Apple());
  basket = applesOfBasket; // 正确
  // list同理

如我们所见,每次调用set时都无法通过编译,因为此时编译器并不知道确切的类型。Basket<? extends Fruit>表达的意思是: 一个Basket类型,它的Type Argument是一个extends Fruit的未知类型。这样的目的是为了保证类型安全。

Basket<? extends Fruit> basket = xx这种叫Use-site variance。JEP300有一个提案,说不定java以后会支持Declaration-site variance,有兴趣的朋友可以自己去瞄几眼。JEP 300: Augment Use-Site Variance with Declaration-Site Defaults

如果支持Declaration-site variance,下面语句将会合法。

interface Basket<covariance T> {

Basket<Apple> apples = new Basket<>();
Basket<Fruit> fruits = apples;



逆变 (Contravariance)

在Subtyping一节有提到,当ST的子类型,那么他们的关系可以表达为 S is a subtype of T,记作 S <: T 逆变就是逆转次序,T is a supertype of S,记作 T :> S

//协变 S<:T
Basket<? extends Fruit> basket1 = new Basket<>();
//逆变 T:>S
Basket<? super Apple> basket2 = new Basket<Fruit>();




Basket<? super Apple> basket = new Basket<Fruit>();
basket.setApple(new Apple()); //合法

Apple apple = basket.get(); //合法

Basket<Fruit> tmp = new Basket<Fruit>();
tmp.set(new Orange());

Basket<? super Apple> basket2 = tmp;
// Apple apple2 = basket2.get(); //无法通过编译
Apple apple2 = (Apple)basket2.get(); //ClassCastException



PECS 全称是 Producer Extends Consumer Super,我觉得叫Supplier Extends Consumer Super更贴切一些。这是《effective java》作者提出的一种什么情况下选择extends和super的办法。


This means that when a parameterized type being passed to a method will produce instances of T (they will be retrieved from it in some way), ? extends T should be used, since any instance of a subclass of T is also a T.

When a parameterized type being passed to a method will consume instances of T (they will be passed to it to do something), ? super T should be used because an instance of T can legally be passed to any method that accepts some supertype of T. A Comparator could be used on a Collection, for example. ? extends T would not work, because a Comparator could not operate on a Collection.

Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2248503



个人觉得支持Declaration-Site Variance Java泛型才算完整。不过让人吐槽的是JEP 2014年就开始提出,直到2019年了也没见出现在JSR,标准化流程的效率真是漫长啊…希望在Java能早日用上Declaration-Site Variance。


Declaration-site and use-site variance explained
Covariance and contravariance (computer science)
JEP 300: Augment Use-Site Variance with Declaration-Site Defaults