DAO vs Repository
使用面向对象开发程序时,当需要获取或保存数据时,需要连接我们的数据源。这个数据源可能是数据库、缓存或者是远程仓库。为了代码能更整洁和模块化,我们需要抽象出一个数据发访问层,这个即DAL(Data Access Layer)。实际上,DAO 和 Repository都是DAL的一种实现。接下来会分别 讨论两者区别。
- 一个Model 对应一个DAO。比如Account –> AccountDAO; Book –> BookDAO
- DAO不限制identifier方式的参数。比如你可以在get方法上定义String参数。与之相对,Repository侧重于”领域(Domain)”
public interface AccountDAO {
Account get(String userName);
void create(Account account);
void update(Account account);
void delete(String userName);
public interface AccountDAO {
Account get(String userName);
void create(Account account);
void update(Account account);
void delete(String userName);
List getAccountByLastName(String lastName);
List getAccountByAgeRange(int minAge, int maxAge);
void updateEmailAddress(String userName, String newEmailAddress);
void updateFullName(String userName, String firstName, String lastName);
Repository这个概念出自”DDD”(Domain-Driven-Design),Repository Pattern提议所有操作最好是基于领域(Domain)进行。同时,他的行为像Java里面的Collection。当然,这是一种抽象的概念。如Collection中存在add、update、remove,contains等函数。同样的,你应该把这些定义到Repository中。
import java.util.List;
import com.thinkinginobjects.domainobject.Account;
public interface AccountRepository {
void addAccount(Account account);
void removeAccount(Account account);
void updateAccount(Account account); // Think it as replace for set
List query(AccountSpecification specification);
上面DAO中提到可能随着业务复杂度增加,DAO会出现大量的查询接口。我们可以注意到AccountRepository多了个List query(AccountSpecification specification);
import com.thinkinginobjects.domainobject.Account;
public interface AccountSpecification {
boolean specified(Account account);
public class AccountSpecificationByUserName implements AccountSpecification, HibernateSpecification {
private String desiredUserName;
public AccountSpecificationByUserName(String desiredUserName) {
this.desiredUserName = desiredUserName;
public boolean specified(Account account) {
return account.hasUseName(desiredUserName);
public Criterion toCriteria() {
return Restrictions.eq("userName", desiredUserName);
这是DDD里面的解决方案,使用Specification Pattern来解决上述问题。需要注意的是,这不是Respository特有的东西,你完全可以用到DAO上。而且个人对是否应该使用这个模式持保留态度。
从上面的讨论你可以看出,Repository Pattern更加面向对象,提出了更多的规约对以往的DAO Pattern做了一些补充,不过实现起来更加复杂。事实上,没有人阻止你把Repository那些东西应用在DAO上。所以不必要过于纠结这两者,你可以把二者结合一起用,也可以分开用,具体怎么用,就是看自己的业务场景。
Frankly, this looks like a semantic distinction, not a technical distinction. The phrase Data Access Object doesn’t refer to a “database” at all. And, although you could design it to be database-centric, I think most people would consider doing so a design flaw.
The purpose of the DAO is to hide the implementation details of the data access mechanism. How is the Repository pattern different? As far as I can tell, it isn’t. Saying a Repository is different to a DAO because you’re dealing with/return a collection of objects can’t be right; DAOs can also return collections of objects.
Everything I’ve read about the repository pattern seems rely on this distinction: bad DAO design vs good DAO design (aka repository design pattern).
Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11384997
What is the difference between DAO and Repository patterns?
Don’t use DAO, use Repository